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84 bytes added, 18:11, 16 February 2011
Description headline and trade link
[[CDB|Main]] / '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
== Description ==A '''trader''' is a [[NPC]] who buys and sells items. You can also [[trade]] items for items with it.
== Placement ==
Traders are Trader is placed by using a [[trader contract]], which is can be purchased from other traders at a cost of 50s. A new trader must be placed at a minimum distance of 63 tiles away from other traders. Traders Trader must be placed inside a [[building]] (not a [[market stall]]like [[Personal Merchant]]s can), but stay stays functional even if the building disappears. Traders Trader cannot be moved after they have it has been placed. Unlike Personal Merchants, Traders will not disappear if they haven't had any activity for 30 or more. If you own the writ to the building the trader is in and bring that building on-[[deed ]] (for example by resizing the deed), the Trader trader will automatically become a citizen of your settlement.
== Item stocks ==
Once a Trader's ratio has been corrected, it may take a few days or a server restart before the trader start acquiring coin off the kingdom pool. I'm not quite sure how often the mysterious figure visits the traders, buying random stuff off of them which replenishes some of the trader's coins from the kingdom pool.
This is speculative, however It seems I have been able to get 1 trader that was suffering from its 28 day ratio reset back in working condition. I won't make any guarantees this will work but if your trader hasn't been collecting any coin, a 1 silver investment could pay off. Detailed Knowledge of Traders is limited so this fix might have errors, but good luck. ~AAetius
== Notes ==
* Traders will not disappear for not having any activity for a while.
== See also ==


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