== [http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/UA:Prestige_Ranger Ranger] of [[Magranon|Magranon]] ==
<li>Talented with the [[Archery|bow]], the [[Mauls|maul]] and the [[Swords|sword]]</li>
<li>Will wander off in the wild for months at a time</li>
<li>Striving to achieve a balance of [[Smithing|industry]] and [[Nature|nature]]</li>
<li>Striving to achieve a balance of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserker wild passion] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_control self control]</li>
<li>Striving to control her [[Path_of_hate|hatred]]</li>
<li>Fiercely loyal to [[Delirium|Delirium]]</li>
<li>Very protective of her [[Arrows|arrows]] and [[Pet|animals]]</li>
<li>Will often replant huge [[Trees|forests]] or vast [[Steppe_tile|steppes]]</li>
<li>Feels a spiritual connection with [[Cedar|cedar]] and [[Iron ore|iron ore]]</li>
<li>Dislikes being wasteful and will compulsively [[Trash_bin|clean]] areas around her</li>