In the lower left is the chatbox, here you can communicate with other players and send special slash-commands (/help) to the eventlog. By clicking on the 'Jenn-Kellon' Kingdom tab, you can talk globally to all players on the same server in your [[Kingdom]]. If the Jenn-Kellon/HotS/Mol-Rehan chat tab is not available, you can type ''/shout <message>'' in the local channel to open it.
In the lower right is the eventlog. All nearby and global events are listed here. {{Out_of_Date}}<s>There are three buttons in this window;
*'''Climbing''' allows you to climb on steep areas as long as you have enough stamina.
*'''Faithful''' controls whether or not you can go against the will of your god. (When you start, you are not aligned to any god.)
*'''Lawful''' controls whether or not you can go against the law of your current area.
*'''[[Stealth]]''' attempt to hide yourself from the environment
Next to the buttons are info displaying your Fighting mode, how hungry or thirsty you are, if you are fighting, hurting, etc..