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User:Tathar/HC Reference

158 bytes added, 15:49, 26 March 2014
→‎Wound Treatment Grid: Clarifications and cleanup.
* Healing bonus on deeds affect these thresholds healing rate by an unknown amount, which would also affect these thresholds.* High nutrition and fat layers increase natural healing rate. Well-fed players seem to get +2 healing rate. For these players, increase the above wound thresholds by 1.5 (single tick) and 6 (long-term) for bandaged wounds. (See [[Wurm Server Release Notes 2009#090512|Wurm Server Release Notes 2009]] for the relevant patch notes.)* Religion can may give a healing boost of an unknown amount.
* Bandaged wounds increase the healing rate by 1. Increase the above wound thresholds by 0.75 (single tick) and 3 (long-term) for bandaged wounds.
* Healing ticks occur every 15 minutes from after when the damage took place.
* Healing ticks only heal an integer amount each tick, with an insignificant level of variance, presumably due to floating point error.
Other observations:
* Falling bruises of 22 damage and 15 damage did not heal off-deed without some sort of treatment. Natural healing rate at the time was 7, as determined from other fall wounds of varying severity. Maybe medium wounds in general won't heal on their own?
* During the above test, some evidence was found that natural healing ticks heal the same amount per tick when no additional treatment takes place. It was expected that the healing rate would increase slightly, as the reduced wound severity would slow down healing by a smaller amount than the original severity. The actual results could mean either that healing ticks are based on the original wound severity, or that the healing rate is cached until something other than wound severity modifies it. Determining which is the case would require observing slow-healing wounds (healing 1-2 damage per tick) and then applying a minimum-potency healing cover that doesn't completely heal the wound during the next tick.


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