Settlement:Coniunctis Viribus (Sister Village)

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Coniunctis Viribus - Sister villages concept

The concept in short

The concept behind sister villages is to create a network of towns helping each other when it is needed. Every town has its ups and downs, being related so closely allows for easy support of each other. This creates the Coniunctis Viribus Family


To keep the sister villages closely affiliated with each other and the mother village, there is need for good ways of communication and interaction.

On the website we will have a homepage, from where there will be links to the forums of the sister villages. These forums can be either on this website, or it can link to an already existing forum/website of that village(we prefer your own website). This should help with communication within the village but also between the villages.

Coniunctis Viribus

Coniunctis Viribus (CV), which means With United Power, should not be seen as a village, but as a family where many can be a part of. The CV deed is a size 15 village on the wild server, where the senate, the magistrate (and the governor magistrates) are located. CV will support all of the sister villages in any way possible, as if they are members of this village with equal rights and the same is expected the other way around, as we are one big family.

Visitor house + embassy

Each sister village will need to have minimum a 1x1 embassy building and 2x1 visitor house with some containers to store items either ondeed or offdeed but attached to it. The embassy will function as a place where the governor magistrate’s alt can live and the visitor house is there to make it easier for citizens of the different sister villages to travel between them, if needed.

The sister village needs an alt of the appointed governor magistrate to live in that village. On the sister village wiki page there needs to be a mention that you are a part of the Coniunctis Viribus family.

What the sister villages do

All the members of the sister villages are treated as family, together with the other villages. They are supported by good enchants and tools and supported in other ways as if we are all together, one big village - the family. The members also have voting rights for the senate elections. Anyone of the family can become a senator or magistrate, and even climb up to become the imperator. The senate is located in the mother village, but members of the senate do not have to live in the mother village.

Note that in no way you are submissive to the village of CV on the Wild Server. We are all together one big family that work together, unite, to become more powerful as group. What CV does, is give advice and support. All the members of the family have influence over the family, trough voting and by becoming members of the senate.


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