== Description == Swimming is the means of movement used by players and some animals to get around and stay afloat when in sufficiently deep water. == Notes == * A [[player]] or swimming [[creature|animal]] will '''automatically begin to swim''' automatically when upon entering a [[water tile]] deep enoughto a sufficient depth. * When swimming, [[stamina]] is gradually lost (if moving) with any and all movement, and [[drowning]] will occur when stamina is depletedhas become exhausted. [[Last Gasp]] or the immediate consumption of a stamina-generating food may then be the only remaining options to avoid death.* Not all animals are capable of swimming. '''Hint''': for non-swimming animals that get stuck in the water. Tame and use the GO HERE command, and they may come out.
Some [[animals]] can also swim.
Can't get out of the water? Are you going to die? Try using [[Last Gasp]].
'''Hint''': for non swimming animals that get stuck in the water.
Tame and use the GO HERE command and they may come out