Lots of tasty vegetables can be found when [[foraging]] tiles or through [[farming]]:
* [[OnionCabbage]] foraged and farmed* [[Carrot]]: foraged and farmed* [[PotatoCorn]]: foraged and farmed* [[PumpkinCucumber]]: foraged and farmed* [[CornLettuce]]: foraged and farmed* [[RiceMushroom]] foraged and wild growing* [[Onion]]: foraged and farmed* [[CabbagePea pod]]: foraged and farmed* [[CarrotPotato]]: foraged and farmed* [[LettucePumpkin]]: foraged and farmed* [[Pea podRice]]: (foraged by water and marsh, farmedin water)* [[TomatoSugar beet]]: foraged and farmed* [[CucumberTomato]]: foraged and farmed
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