:* [[Body control]] - Helps with accuracy, dodging, and [[stealthing]]. [[Archery]], [[shields]], [[leatherworking]], [[smithing]], [[tailoring]], [[carpentry]] and subskills of these such as [[fletching]] offer good skill gains. Some weapon skills also offer Body Control gains.
:* [[Body strength]] - Helps with damage per hit, and for taking less damage when hit. Good methods to gain Body Strength include [[mining]], [[smithing]], [[digging]], [[woodcutting]], [[farming]], [[butchering]], [[masonry]], and their subskills. [[Papyrusmaking]], [[coal-making]], and some weapon skills also increase Body Strength.
:* [[Body stamina]] - Determines how long you can fight before running out of stamina. When you run out of stamina, you can not move or defend yourself against incoming attacks very well. Raised by [[woodcutting]], [[milling]], [[digging]], and [[mining]]. However, on freedom it is raised by [[woodcutting]], [[Milling]], [[digging]], and [[mining]].
== Miscellaneous fighting rules/tips ==