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806 bytes added, 03:05, 24 January 2007
Console commands are small commands to use in the console, to change settings. These commands can also be used in [[Client Key Bindings|autorun.txt for defining key bindings]].
; bind <key> <action> : Binds the key to the specified action. In other words, pressing See the [[#Key binds|key will act as if you typed the section]] for <key> and <action into the console> values.; bind <key> "<actiontext>" : Same Binds the key to a console command. Pressing the key will act as aboveif you had typed the text into the console.; dump (skills) : Saves the specified data to a filein the wurm directory.; exec <filename> : Executes each line in the file (TODO: Define execute)as a console command.
; irc [server] [port] : Connects to the specified [[IRC]] network. Defaults are and 6667.
; ircsay <text> : Sends the text to the topmost IRC window.
; quit : Opens the quit dialog
; reallyquit : Quits the client without asking for confirmation; say <text> : Sends the specified text to the currently selected local chat window.(Access other chat windows using /tell, /shout, /village)
; screenshot : Creates a screenshot (in the screenshot folder)
; sensitivity <0-10> : Changes mouse sensitivity to the given value(TODO: Does this actually have any effect)
; showbml <filename> : Parses the file as [[BML]] and displays it
; toggle (console | inventory | keyboard_hints | skills | stats) : Toggles display of the specified [[HUD]] component
Legend: <name> is a mandatory argument, [name] is an optional argument, (name|other) is an argument which requires one of the listed values.
== Key binds ==
The bind commands require special values as input.
<key> is based on Java key constants. Letters and numbers represent themselves. For other keys, search [ the full KeyEvent list] if you can't guess the correct name.
<action> is based on an internal client list. The known values are based on autorun.txt. They are: NEXT_TAB, TOGGLE_CHAT, AUTORUN, CENTER_VIEW, TURN_DOWN, TURN_UP, TURN_LEFT, TURN_RIGHT, MOVE_FORWARD, MOVE_BACK, MOVE_LEFT, MOVE_RIGHT, STRAFE.
[[Category:Technical Details]]


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