Tiergarden is located on the Wild Server, in proximity with the Isle of the White DragonsDragon.NOTE : It no longer exists. It has now been disbanded.
Tiergardens location was found by Eddy, Telsist, Borny, and Seto; a few kilometers from Leersum and the white light.<br><br> The Jenn-Kellon Tower was built with the help of Eddy, Telsist, Borny, Seto, Stuckey, Ace, snappy, from all towns members and Sempar. After then the tower deed was completed, Eddy, planted the deed for Tiergarden. Although Tiergarden was founded in a prime location rich with resources, the invading black light forces had easy access to the location due to a road from [[Leersum]](is now The Pirate Outpost) leading to Tiergarden's front gate. After successfully defending against multiple BL raids, ranging in size from 3-7 attackers, the remaining citizens of Tiergarden decided it was necessary to leave Tiergarden and make residence off the beaten path to allow proper training inorder in order to properly fight the Libilian menace.<br>''Tiergarden is now was sold to a fellow WL then disbandeda month later.''
''Due to the selling of Tiergarden, I am unaware if any of these alliances are still valid''<BR>[[Greater Havens]]<br>[[Independent Settlers]]<br>Sanctuary Isle<br>''Due to the selling of Tiergarden, these alliances may not be valid.''