The [[settlement token]] of Newtown was the starting point of new players that start the game on the [[Jenn-Kellon]] [[Server Types|homeserver]]. Newtown had public traders and a bartender.
Wempy''Discovering things since 980''s, a tavern run by Chemyst, is also located within the borders of Newtown.
== [[NPC]]s in Newtown is (map 11) == # Trader Takhara and Trader Manet are the capital traders of Jenn-Kellon KingdomNewtown. You can exchange goods with them, grab some bargains. It is your home when you start the game on the # [[homeserver|server typesSpirit guard]]s - They protect the town from wild animals, thieves, murderers, and your general miscreants.# The [[AvatarBartender|characterBarkeep]] [[spawning|spawns]] by Bart in the tavern - He gives you free food if you have played for less than 24 hours of game time. Type '''/time''' into the chat window to check all notable time details. == Trading == " Adzumas " ( opp merch row ) " Mansion Market" ( Near the [[settlement token]].) " Raras " arriving soon '''Current Vendors on Merchant Row''' Bear Bay Roadside Aegis Silent Hill Shore Haven Phoenix Enterprises
== Other useful information ==The Arch-Lord of Newtown is [[User:Oracle|Oracle]]Pitstop Provisions
== [[NPC]]s in Newtown (map 11) ==Greenside KnD
# Trader Takhara and Trader Manet are the traders of Newtown. You can exchange goods with him, grab some bargains.# [[Spirit templar]]s - They protect the town from wild animals, thieves, murderers, and general miscreants.# The [[Creature:Bartender|Barkeep]] Bart in the tavern - He gives you free food if you have played for less than 24 hours of game time. Type '''/time''' into the chat window to check all notable time details.Rockcliff
== Trading ==New Town is '''importing''';# Planks at the rate of 2 iron per plank# Stone Slabs at the rate of 80 iron per slab# Hides at the rate of 10 copper per hide# Lovage at the rate of 10 iron per piece# Rosemary at the rate of 10 iron per piece# Woad at the rate of 2 iron per 10 QL# Copper lump at the rate of 5 iron per 10 QL# Zinc lump at the rate of 5 iron per 10 QLFire Lake
New Town is '''exporting''';# Healing covers over 10 power for the price of 5 iron per potency# Cassaroles at the rate of 5 iron per 0.10 weight# Small Iron Nails at 5 iron per handful# Large Iron Nails at 7 iron per handful# Small Carts at 1 copper per cart# Strings of cloth at 20 iron per string# 20ql stone chisels at 10c each# 20ql files at 10c each# 20ql butcher knives at 10c eachWillows
== Free Services ==
== Rules ==
# Bury corpses that are your own or a citizen of your village as they cause lag issues with other players and the server
# Do not beg citizens for free items if they have already said no