A member Riotz has been a Wurmian since late in Betabeta, this player has always been less aggressive than his BLer counterpartsplaying under the name JCRiotz. At first gold reset, he dropped the JC. He spent his beta time in 's been through many towns, including VCS, as well as in Gold V1. Always more reservedOblivion, Syphilis, Nexus, he and is now a known carpenter who often prefers building over outright conflictresident at DC. But he knows the importance of defenseHis skills are leant to crafting, and is always quick mostly related to the aid of his allies and fellow townsmencarpentry.
Currently, Riotz is an elder of [[Nexus]]a CM on Wild as well as a forum moderator. As suchBLers can contact him through direct IM, you may discuss alliances and issues with BL, WL, and MR characters can always reach him through messages on the town with himboard.