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474 bytes added, 05:29, 28 January 2009
I disagree, my 3 maps of 90+ mining says otherwise
''Optimal Skill Gain''
*Rock and 1-50*Iron 1 to 2050-60*Copper 60-70*Tin and Copper 20 to 35or lead 70-85*Silver 35 90-99 For the best skill gain, you will want to 45fail to mine the ore sometimes, about 10-15 failures (1QL) is the best skill gain. If you fail more, improve your pickaxe or downgrade an ore difficulty.*Gold 45+ ?''Note: Never mine gold for skill, it is a waste of materials and time. You have less than the optimal skill gain %chance to get ore-QL > 1/2 skill.'' ''Note: You will need to adjust your pickaxe quality to stay at the line of optimal %chance success. For the most part, 20-30QL pickaxe will work for skill gain.''
== Other considerations ==


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