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55 bytes added, 13:09, 2 October 2010
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Wine is a [[beverage]] made from [[maple syrup]] and [[juice|grapes juice]]. Blue [[grapes]] make red wine, while green grapes make white wine.
Unlike most other items, wine [[quality]] goes up over time. The least amount of wine easily creatable is 1.00 kg made from 0.5kg of [[maple syrup in a ]] and 0.5kg [[pottery jarJuice|grape juice]] (use using [[Pottery flask|flaskflasks]]s to add up for measuring. The amount of each ingredient needed is a 1-to -1.00 kgratio (ie exactly the same amount of each) and 0.50 kg of [[Juice|grape juice]].
Wine has been shown to increase [[stamina]] as well as [[thirst]], with the effect multiplying in higher quality wine. Wine is being investigated as a valuable [[fighting]] tool, allowing one to recuperate stamina while fleeing from an [[enemy]].
* Successfull creation produces 1.25 kg of wine.* If [[failing]] while creating, 0.50 kg [[Dishwater]] Always use containers that can fit more than is producedbeing mixed to avoid "spillovers".
* Maple syrup quality affects success chance.
* Use low [[ql]] [[barrel|barrels]] outside of [[house|houses]]. Anything to promote "[[decay]]".


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