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Animal husbandry

115 bytes added, 08:19, 8 October 2010
Several changes to the wording.
== Notes ==
* Animals must be of the same species.
* When If breeding fails , you will receive a message that the intercourse was interruptedmale "shys away and interrupts the action".* Each If breeding fails or is successful and you attempt to breed again, the male animal may be attempted bred once every will show that he's "not in the mood" until 45 real life minutes (important for males and in case of failurepass. * Females will not breed while they are pregnant). Once the female gives birth, the animal can breed again.
* Animals do not have to be "fat" to breed, only "no longer interested in food" (when trying to feed them). Grass eaters will typically be in this state after a minute or 2 on grass or crops.
* [[Age]] is not a factor in breeding ([[calves]] or [[foal]]s will not breed though).


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