Inbreeding between siblings or with a parent does not seem to have any effect on traits. The number of odd breeding results was not much different from regular breeding.
== Caring ==
To prevent venerable animals from dying of old age you can care for them. To start caring stand next to the animal, right click the animal and select ''Care for''. If you start caring for that animal you'll get the message:
You now care specially for Aged fat Tearbabe, to ensure longevity. You may care for 1 more creatures.
The amount of animals you can care for is limited by the animal husbandry skill of the player. If you can't care for more animals you'll get the message
You may not care for any more creatures right now. You are already caring for 1 creatures.
* A player with 5 skill can care for one animal
* A player with 43 skill can care for up to 5 animals
Likely: You can care for 1 animal and 1 extra animal for every 10 skill in animal husbandry.
To stop caring for all cared animals type the command ''/stopcaring'' in the chat window. You'll get the message
You no longer care for the one creature you used to.
It is not possible to stop caring for a specific animal. You have to stop caring for all and reselect those you want to continue to care for.