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187 bytes added, 08:58, 15 April 2012
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The limitations of manual flattening is, of course, that it may take more time and interaction to complete, and also is subject to dirt flow. Dirt flow is what happens when you try to drop dirt on a corner with a slope diagonally that exceeds 40 in steepness (For example: You're dropping dirt northeast, then slopes N+W or E+S shouldn't be higher then 40 together). When using the "flatten" command, dirt flow ''does not apply'' and you can use it to create extreme slopes by the use of a technique known as [[Guides/FlatRaising|flatraising]]
== Tips ==
When flattening stand on the lowest corner. Standing on the higher ones might get you some fall damage and that stops the flattening timer to prevent you dying from it.<br/>


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