Currently The player Fez is known throughout the history of wurm, but not in the way you could imagine. Whereas many players clearly fight for a retired member single kingdom, multiple kingdoms or even themselves Fez's motives are very unknown. Up in west haven where he was born and raised, on the playground where he spent most of Woodscovehis days, Fez learned the game, the in's out's and around's. He currently is Eventually Fez became a privateer of sorts on vacation his grand mission of Wurm. Eventually he landed himself on Wild, where Fez became one of the home server most notirious players in wurm online so much so that he is still known today for some of the amazing things that he is responsible for. Some call his work that of the Taliban, others call him a hero but for this writers sake of not being dispatched by this fellow I must end it here. Fez moved onto epic, taking up the name Holar instead. Starting in the Kingdom of Jenn-Kellon and is was instantly a proud member hero of broken kingdom. The leaders of that kingdom were constantly attacked by the almighty forces of the Mongol Empire, Holar did what he could in order to preserve the kingdom but the mongol assault was relentless. His heroic actions kept the kingdom from going into complete desolation, but when the dust settled it was all for nothing. Holar was asked by the mongolian general Hellfang to join up with the Mongol cause and destroy all enemies of Roadsidethe Mongol Empire. He hopes one day he will often lead pvp himself on quite a few occasions. After the Fall of the Mongol Empire due to Rolf demanding they disband Holar found himself yet again in JK more specifically JKH, eventually however a new strong force was to return, the Mongols. Shortly after the Fall of the Mongol Empire a new kingdom rose from the ashes known as Teutonic Knights, a new force had to be allowed established and Demacia was created. Holar returned to rejoin Woodscoveelevation in the grand city of Demacia. Known for his titles are: Miner Dragonslayer Digger Mason quick dispatching of enemies Holar was a sucessful pvp leader and fighter during this time, Demacia with the help of Holar and Trollslayermany other ex-Mongols brought about the destruction of TK assuring Jenn-Kellon dominance for time to come. Now, Holar resides on JK Home with his friends. The call of wall still beacons to him, his lust for combat not sated, what travels and battles will he encounter next?