Holy crop

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Main / Religion / Spells / Holy crop

Holy crop
Holy crop

Faith: 50
Favor: 300
Difficulty: 60
Target: Item
Casting time: 100 seconds


Only a Priest of Fo can cast this spell


A spell available to Fo priests at 50 faith. An enchantment spell castable on altars. Requires linking with multiple priests due to the amount of favor required.

The spell is available to cast once the deity's favor is full. Only prayers and sermons that could cause valid faith gains increase deity favor, which is used to charge rite spells. If you are capped at the 30 or 100 faith caps, you can still provide to the deity favor as long as you have the valid timing available. Missions also provide some deity favor, scaled on the difficulty of the mission.


  • Priests and followers gain 0.2% soul depth towards 100 and 5 hours of sleep bonus through a single prayer. This benefit can be experienced up to 24 hours from the cast by praying and having at least 30 faith.
  • Flower spawns will increase.
  • Grass will grow faster.
  • Increases farm yield by 0-2, depending on the strength of the cast
  • Instantly casts Genesis on all applicable creatures within the domain of Fo.
  • 10% less difficulty when taming animals during the event.


  • The spell will disappear from list after a successful cast. The cooldown for this spell is similar to that of other global spells (See: Rite of spring, Ritual of the sun, Rite of death).
  • To make sure that the spell has cooled down, start the Sermon and wait for the 30th second of the timer. Message indicate if the ritual is already ready to be performed: You sense that Fo is brimming with power. Maybe you can channel it somehow? ; example of message for not cooled down yet: You explain how Fo is strong but still needs you to work faithfully so that she may manifest her powers.

See also