Settlement:Noob Store
Come visit Merchant Honey at the Noob Store
The Noob Store is located East of New Town on East Lake Road. Walk east from New Town until you reach the East Lake Road pointing sign and the Noob Store pointing sign and take a right onto East Lake Road. The store is the first 1x1 building on the left.
The Noob Store usually has 25+ ql. meals for sale at the cost of 1 iron per ql. The store also tries to keep in stock low to medium quality items for the new players. Some of the tools are chisels, files, sickles, scythes, mallets, hammers, anvils, and butchering knives. We also have fine fishing rods, rope, bow string, strings of cloth, door locks, and large and small nails. In the planting area we try to keep cotton, pumpkin, corn, and potatoes in stock as well as wemp, wheat, rye, barley,and oat seeds.
If there is something you need and the store is out PM Annalise or Remyth.