Reputation lowers when you break the kingdom law, or break a village law when you are within the deed.
Everybody starts with 100, if you go below 100, your reputation will slowly go back up (at the rate of about 1 point per hour, even if you are offline), unless you do something against the law.
You can check your reputation by doing /reputation while in game
If you die with less then 0 rep, you will lose 5x normal skill loss ( 1.25 skill if you die with less then 0 rep)
Below 0 reputation, you will be marked outlaw, and everyone can attack you without penalty.
At -100 reputation guards will attack you on sight.
If you are a Whitelighter and your rep goes below -200, you will automatically become a Blacklighter. If you're on the Home Server, you'll be automatically teleported to the Black light on the Wild Server. Basic Accounts cannot change back to the White Light.