This is a unofficial copy of the Wurm client release notes as posted by notch on the forums. Some people might find it interesting to see what has been changed over the past few months. I hope that people will be able to see just how busy Mojang has been. The section headings are the client version, followed by the date released. Please note that this page was not created by Mojang, so it is not an official document.
Release Date: 1/23/07
* New console commands:
**wiki <topic>: (opens a wiki window about the topic)
**irc [server] [port]: (default is and 6667)
**ircsay: (sends a message to the topmost irc window, can be used to bind a key to identify your nick)
**dump skills: (dumps the chosen argument to file. Only skills right now)
* If the server denies your login request, you get a "crash"-window telling you why, instead of just wurm quitting like it does now.