: 40 favor, ? on failure. ~200 seconds.
: Examine: It is enchanted with Animal's demise, and has an aggressive aura towards animals.
=== 44 faith ===
; Libila's demise
: 40 favor, ? on failure. ~200 seconds.
: Examine: It is enchanted with Libila's demise, and has an aggressive aura towards Libila.
== Casting ==
; Failure
: You fail to channel the 'Animal's demise'.
: (no breaking observed)
=== Libila's demise ===
; Cast
: You start to cast 'Libila's demise' on a <item>.
: Success
: You cast 'Libila's demise' on a <item>.
: The <item> will now be effective against the influence of Libila.
; Failure
: You fail to channel the 'Libila's demise'.
: (no breaking observed)