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Lore:Siege of Libilian Outlawz

1 byte added, 10:06, 24 September 2007
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When prepared, the JK army entered the dark stinking troll territory where the Libilan's were building their fortress. There was many more defenders present then the attackers expected, it seemed that they were prepared for something. The determined raidforce set up camp right outside the deed, on the side with a large dirt wall, ignoring the weakly defended rear. A encampment and mine was quickly set up, and the forces of LO came out to meet the attackers. The forces and their pets continuously clashed in the area around the Attacker's encampment. The defenders took steady loses, but were unable to stop the Whitelights from starting to tear down the dirt wall and arm their catapults. In about an hour, the dirt wall was down, and the attackers were attacking the main town walls with catapults. The defenders had taken much heavier loses at this point then the attackers, but the attackers were weakened by many severe wounds from the BLs Zombie Trolls. The Whitelights started their assault on the town guards, but constant pressure from the defenders made them back off.
Constant counter-attacks from Libilian Outlaws, and word of fresh reinforcements from Nexus convinced the attackers to regroup at their encampment so they could retreat. The BLs surrounded the attacking position, and used trolls and mauls to break into the fence. The WL army grabbed the loot they had gathered in the encampment, and all ran after the fence broke. Almost all the The majority of raidforce was able to retreat back to the outpost; however, but several warriors that fell behind and were slaughtered, and with no attempt was made to help them.[[Category:Battles]][[Category:Babel/S]]


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