Coins may not be mined, despite there is a vein for every money type.
== Basic Selling Items ==
Produce minimal amounts of Money can be made either by selling items to Traders or selling items to players. Traders work on a supply and demand system, so the more you sell the less money (ironyou get. The more you buy,copper)the more expensive it gets.
: = Wooden Spindle: = Small Iron AnvilPlayers will buy what they need, mainly swords, tools, armour but often other things. Enchants are another good seller. Players can also buy work, meaning they hire you for a set price.
== Medium Items Current Marketplace ==
Produce medium amounts of money (copperThis list is, silver)by far, incomplete - please add.
: = Silver/Gold Bracelet: = Silver/Gold Armrings: = Silver/Gold Necklaces: = Premium ReferalThese prices are the general prices I find fair on the market.
: =Tools - 1c to 2c per QL point.: = Expensive Items Weapons - 1.5c to 2c per QL point.: == Produce large amounts of money (silverEnchants - 1.2c per WOA, 1.2c per COC, 1.8c per FA, gold)2c per AOSP: = Crazy Glass Diamond High Enchants (Existence unknown90+)(Recently sold by Dramen to Azzu for 17 silver) == Please Add == Please add to these lists- 2c per WOA, 2c per COC, 2.5c per FA, 2.5c per AOSP