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1,457 bytes added, 18:24, 26 November 2008
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RedSyndicate (prefers to be called Red) was a long time resident of Jenn Kellon Home in various different villages. The first village he joined was just south of Udgaard and was named SilverVale. The town was disbanded soon after he joined. He the proceded to join another town, Mystery Cove(also near Udgaard) which was also disbanded after he joined. After this, he traveled back in the direction of NewTown seeing that the west coast had given him no promise of a permanent residence.
Red settled just south of Aegis near a freind of his. However, the roving hordes of new players were ravaging the lands in that area, and Red soon got too frustrated to continue living there. Red applied for citizenship at Mount Awesome but the largness and complexity of the area was too much for him and the rules made living in the area a bit hard on him so he desided to move out west again.
This time he settled in a slightly better established village, one he was sure wouldnt disband. However, a few weeks later it did disband, and all the memebers besides Red joined the Horde of the Summoned. It was then that Red decided he no longer had any reason to stay in Jenn Kellon and decided to move to Mol-Rehan. So, soon after packing his boat full of all his needed tools and supplies he set off to the west.
Fortunately,(and not by any surprise to him) Red encountered bo resistance on his way to Mol-Rehan and arrived in the new lands safely.


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