* Mounts and large carts are in! The large cart models needs to be rotated though and it will happen soon enough.
* You can breed better horses. A saddle and horseshoes will increase speed.
* Welcome the new client! Mainly Dashiva has done absolutely wonders with it! Thanks also to the other client team members - Pryath, Pidgeon, Kilean and Egal.
* There was always bonus for casting dominating spells versus creatures. This bonus was removed since creatures are a lot tougher now.
* The game now tries to determine whether you overkill someone for skill and will stop giving you fightskill for that. A few players who had exploited overkilling above 50 lost 5 points in skill.
* You will no longer be kicked out of unlocked boats when relogging.
* Focusing will be smoother in combat.
== 090323 ==
* In melee, shields now block only once per about 10 seconds, which roughly correspond to the attack rate of the off-hand weapon. This should make the use of off hand weapons interesting again. It will also make it harder to fight, so beware. It has been too easy to solo things for quite a while now.