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2 bytes removed, 23:36, 6 November 2010
===Tips for early skilling===
* Fo priests should concentrate on blessing and [[healing]] until 10 channeling, then focus on enchanting [[Pottery flask|flask]]s of [[water]] with [[Fo's Touch]].
* Vynora priests should bless things until 5 channeling, then [[Opulence]] [[meal]]s/food items until 30 channeling, then use either [[Vynora's Touch]] on flasks of water or the various item augmentations ([[Circle of Cunning]], [[Wind of Ages]], [[Flaming AuraFrostbrand]] etc)
* Magranon priests should bless objects until 5 channeling, then enchant flasks of water with [[Magranon's Shield]]
* Libila priests should bless objects until 5 channeling, then use the drain spells on a penned animal until 15 channeling, then enchant flasks of water with [[Libila's Scale]]


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