Later, Pvtryan, DeMong, Electrocuter, and Monkeyfun caught up with the first wave, and the two groups traveled together under the lead of Pvtryan to the ''promised lands.'' The spot that was chosen was inhabited by a few Facepunchers before, including Pvtryan, Andrew, Jeff, and Demong. It was soon abandoned.
===The Forgotten Exodus===
Two days pior to the exodus that founded Minges Tirith, gmantwelve and FieldMarshalErwin Rommel rallied everyone into steam chat. Only three or so people arrived. They tried to perform an exodus but lacked sufficient players so they set off, scouting the area for a camp. We headed East then South, down past Freedom Acres to the mountain where Orn Hella is. They did not notice the road was incomplete and tried to scale the mountain. They fell down, and died. A miserable failure of an Exodus.
===Wave Three===