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Animal husbandry

74 bytes added, 23:00, 12 January 2013
→‎Notes: clarified notes on conditions.
* Animals can have a miscarriage.
* If too hungry or low on fat animals can die when giving birth.
* Breeding female animals with [[animal conditions|characteristicsconditions]] such as Champion will provide a chance that the offspring will also have that characteristic. This chance is dramatically increased when breeding two characteristics of animals with the same type condition together. (Two Champions for example.)** The Breeding two animals with the same applies to Traits as welltrait greatly increases the chance that the offspring will have the trait.
* Longer blood lines will support more traits. (For example: A 4th generation dog can have up to 6 or so traits where a 1st generation dog (the first offspring from wild dogs) usually only have 0-3 traits.)
* The name is determined at birth, the traits are determined at breeding (noticed on a server revert on 2011-03-01)


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