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13 bytes removed, 22:11, 28 July 2013
A couple months after Exodus was opened, a former Independence neighbor, Gallo, coincidentally formed his deed, Trueknight Haven right next to Avonlea Bay. Together they formed the Bayside Brawler alliance, and that region and the alliance has grown to be an active and well-developed area of friendly and helpful players (affectionately known as "Brawlas").
Moxie was became a Community Assistant for a period of time in February 2012. While she resigned due to personal issues, she still enjoys helping fellow players when she can. She especially loves terraforming, working on deed layouts, and re-foresting barren areas.
In June 2013 Moxie, along with Mikicus, Xalorum, Revnik, and Dra converted to HOTS and started a deed called Mass Hysteria on the Epic Affliction server, on the old Darktopia grounds.
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