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Stone bench

996 bytes added, 23:55, 11 September 2014
Created page with "Main / Skills / Masonry / '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{item |name={{PAGENAME}} |image=Bench.png |active=slab |passive=stone brick |group=Decorations |materia..."
[[CDB|Main]] / [[Skills]] / [[Masonry]] / '''{{PAGENAME}}'''

|passive=[[stone brick]]
|materials=* 1x [[stone brick]]
* 2x [[clay]] (4.00 kg)
|result=* '''{{PAGENAME}}'''

== Description ==
A [[bench]] is a decorative [[item]] made out of [[stone brick]]s, [[clay]], and a [[slab]].

== Notes ==
* When creating, the [[quality]] of the stone brick affects your success chance.
* When creating, the stone slab affects the initial quality of the resulting bench.
* When you fail creating, the stone brick and the stone slab are damaged.
* [[Clay]] can be combined into larger lumps and it will only add 2kg per continue.
* When creating the bench will be placed vertically on the floor in front of you.
* Must be on the floor to continue building.
* '''CANNOT''' be picked up after completing, but '''CAN''' be pushed/pulled and turned.



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