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Main Page :: Console

The console is a window for entering text commands to the client. It can be opened using F1 in the default key bindings. Console commands are different from chat commands, which are typed in the chat and sent directly to the server.

List of commands

Console commands are small commands to use in the console, to change settings. These commands can also be used in autorun.txt for defining key bindings.

bind <key> <action> 
Binds the key to the specified action. See the key section for <key> and <action> values.
bind <key> "<text>" 
Binds the key to a console command. Pressing the key will act as if you had typed the text into the console.
dump (skills) 
Saves the specified data to a file in the wurm directory.
exec <filename> 
Executes each line in the file as a console command.
irc [server] [port] 
Connects to the specified IRC network. Defaults are and 6667.
ircsay <text> 
Sends the text to the topmost IRC window.
Opens the quit dialog
Quits the client without asking for confirmation
Reloads the game graphics
say <text> 
Sends the specified text to the local chat window. (Access other chat windows using /tell, /shout, /village)
Creates a screenshot (in the screenshot folder)
sensitivity <0-10> 
Changes mouse sensitivity to the given value (TODO: Does this actually have any effect)
showbml <filename> 
Parses the file as BML and displays it
toggle (console | inventory | keyboard_hints | skills | stats | gui) 
Toggles display of the specified HUD component
wiki <title> 
Opens a window with the specified wiki page.

Legend: <name> is a mandatory argument, [name] is an optional argument, (name|other) is an argument which requires one of the listed values.

Key binds

The bind commands require special values as input.

<key> is based on Java key constants. Letters and numbers represent themselves. For other keys, search the full KeyEvent list if you can't guess the correct name.

<action> is based on an internal client list. The known values are based on autorun.txt. They are: NEXT_TAB, TOGGLE_CHAT, AUTORUN, CENTER_VIEW, TURN_DOWN, TURN_UP, TURN_LEFT, TURN_RIGHT, MOVE_FORWARD, MOVE_BACK, MOVE_LEFT, MOVE_RIGHT, STRAFE.