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359 bytes removed, 05:22, 17 August 2010
== Raid guide by Friend ==
I wrote a raiding article a while back because the one on the wiki was so much outdated. Its been sitting on my pc for a while now while it was slowely becoming outdated so i wanted to make it more public. I posted it on JK forums back in the day and on BL forums. Maybe someone can update the wiki with this article because the wiki raiding article is from beta still.
== '''Raid info''' ==
Raid info
This little article describes raiding and the steps to follow. A lot of what is written in this article might seem logical but yet all the time forgotten or not properly done. I could write a whole book about raiding in detail and I have started one a while ago but it’s simply something I can’t devote my time to because it has too many factors to describe it all. So in this article it is kept to basics that still need logic thinking from yourself to go with it. This article keeps in mind the factors that play a role in winning or losing a raid. Main factor that works against you is time. You only have so long until the attacking team you brought will have to go to sleep or to work or other appointments outside of wurm. Defenders have this problem a lot less. Another factor is security, if you have too many casualties compared to the enemy, the people you brought will lose a lot of morale and begin having doubts about the raid and eventually want to leave.
A raid can last easily up to 10 hours. But in a lot less time you can do the following: You go with a small team to the enemy town while no one is online to spot you and you catapult the gatehouse nearest to the side you attack from and replace it with one of your own. While you have this gatehouse set to stay unlocked you can lock it at the moment most of the defenders are lured outside. This can create for a beautiful gank, taking out most of the defenders in one sweep.
== Credits ==


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