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Main / Religion / Nathan


Nathan is the third deity ascension from a demigod of a player. His channeling item is a gold or silver statuette of Magranon.

Game lore

Nathan's converting speech

Nathan is here to grant strength and guidance.

We are all seekers here in these foreign lands,

We are all threatened by the ancient powers,

And it is easy to stumble in this darkness never to rise again.

he will lead you through the marshes and caverns, and he will hold your hand when you falter.

Trust him in the darkness and sorrow.

Together we will crush our enemies and rule here in eternity.

Listen carefully and you will hear the thunder of his armies!

The path leads on to victory and a new dawn for humankind.

Will you join us or be crushed like a flea?

Nathan's inscription (Bone Altar)


I have transcended to a higher state of being.

I am now among the Immortals.

I have become the epitome of darkness.

Trust me when I promise you a path to strength and glory.

I will lead the way and you will follow.

Together we will slay our enemies in the sleep and tear their children apart.

Nothing will stop us and one day we will meet on the Western Spurs and drink our enemies

Let us grow together and conquer the forbidden lands where our souls rule in eternity!

Are you ready to join us?


Nathan followers abilities and penalties

(See the follower page for details on being a follower)

Please note : To convert someone to a follower of Nathan when not converting at the Bone Altar they must be at least -1 Alignment. When using the Bone Altar, you must right-click and select random inscription. This will present you with a dialog for Tosiek or Nathan. You can dismiss the dialog and try again until you have the one for Nathan. You do not lose Nathan faith when traveling from Chaos to Freedom Isles.

Follower abilities

  • Receives Nathan domain bonuses while in Nathan's domain. See domain of the gods for more details about this. - unknown
  • At 20 Faith and with at least 10 favour receives a small experience gain bonus of 10%, whether they are in domain area or not.

Follower penalties

  • Followers cannot raise Faith above 30.
  • Alignment penalties.
  • Nathan dislikes destroying roads, walls, and fences.
  • Nathan dislikes thievery, such as lockpicking and stealing.

Nathan priests abilities and penalties

(See the priest page for details on priest-hood)

Priest abilities

Priest penalties

Nathan champion abilities and penalties

(See the champion page for details on champion-hood)

All this information is currently assumed based on all other champion information

Champion abilities

  • All Nathan follower and Nathan priest abilities (NOT the priest penalties)
  • +5 to all characteristics skills.
  • Faith set to 99.99 (you can continue to pray and gain faith, but only at about 0.000010)
  • Praying, channeling, exorcism all get 50+ to your original skill, up to a maximum of 80.
  • Shorter time for normal healing.
  • You will get a new title: Champion of Nathan (this title can not be turned off, but it does not effect other titles. So you can be a 'Blacksmith Champion of Nathan' for example).
  • You will lose your champion status after you die 3 times or after 6 months.


Spells are only available to priests and champions. You cannot raise your faith above 30 without becoming a priest.