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Abandoned settlement

This settlement has been abandoned, disbanded, or otherwise removed from the world of Wurm.

Growing big and strong.

Size 10 Village

  • Silverhill Port
  • None

Village Description

We're a new village on Freedom we settled during august 2009, ours goals to become a thriving self suffient village with access to as many raw materials and resources as possibly and hopefully trade resources and crafted materials with our neighbours and other people alike.

We're primarily active in european timezones, with a population currently spreading over UK and Scandinavia.

Any questions regarding the village can be directed to either Julepalme or fmrunga via ingame whispers.

Village Members



  • fmrunga Allied & Owner of Silverhill Port



We're a group of friends mostly.. but if you're eager to join we'll consider it, we're open to newcomers and hope to start a thriving village.


We're located at 21x 43y on the player made map of freedom isles, we've applied to get on the map but its currently not quite there yet. were about 1-1½ hours sail away from samling in average wind conditions in a sailing boat.

Resources available

Clay (200 tiles north of us, either by packed dirt road or by boat at our neighbour apintp)

Tar (On the SE Side of the bay, quick 2 minutes sail across the bay)

Sand (Right next to our harbor)

Wood (Pine, Maple and Cedar in large quantities)

Moss (Currently deep in the woods south of us, but working on making it accessible by road)

Ores (We have copper, tin and iron currently mineable and zinc has been prospected aswell, missing lead, silver & gold so far)


Our current area has 6 known animal lairs: troll, goblin, deer, unicorn, mountain lion and wild cat

We currently have a thriving wild population of unicorn roaming around our general area.

And heres a list of the creatures we see most often: wolves, dogs, deer, cows, lava spiders, huge spiders, unicorn and scorpions

And less often: trolls, goblins, crocs, horses, pigs, pheasant, bears both black and brown.

Current projects

Fields and animal pens (50% done)

Building and deoorating the harbor (90% done)

Terraforming the village stage 1 (55% done)

Terraforming the village stage 2 (0% done)

Internal Roading between harbor, farm, mine and village (95% done)

Citizen housing 2x3 stone houses. (5% done)

Road north up coast to our neighbours, missing pavement and some slopes fixed (80% done)

Road SW over the mountains to the SW bay area is another of our biggest projects to do´as we progress with the village, scouting completed successfully, road construction begun (5% done)

Terraforming and digging a mine with 7x6 smithing/storage area and finding iron (Done)