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Wurm Server Release Notes 2020

5,854 bytes added, 01:49, 29 July 2020
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==[ 200725]Patch Notes: New Tutorial Server==
With the anticipation of the launch, we spent time ensuring our servers could handle the load of players, and beefing up the player limits to guarantee that.
Unfortunately, the tutorial server also handles player transfers, logins, and other vital connections, which meant the attempts to log in were hitting the login server twice as hard as it had to handle more connections per person.
We set the limit very cautiously, and we know this was a large cause of frustration, but while doing so, we took the steps necessary to address this.
Thanks to the hard work of our server dev, we have split the tutorial from the existing login server to a new, dedicated tutorial server, called Haven.
This addition will mean faster logins and transfers, and the hardware for the tutorial server can focus on players going through the tutorial alone.
We’ll be doing a more extensive review of this to share later, and thank you for your patience with this time!
As a means of apology, we will be extending the 30% skill gain and affinity gain chance by 2 days.
* PvP notes:Grave stones no longer stack in piles with other items.
* Grave stones will now spawn inside mines when a player is killed there.
* Removed 20 fight skill requirement to repair towers.
==[ 200724]
Patch Notes: 24/JUL/20 Golden Valley Returns!==
New tutorial on Golden Valley is now available for new characters – upon finishing (or skipping) that you will be able to teleport to Northern Freedom Isles through Harmony. If you want to play on Defiance, you must use the portal available in the starter villages of Harmony to transfer to Defiance.
PvE (Harmony) rules are the same as all other Freedom Isles servers, with the exception of rift, rift scouts and imbue crafting and usage being currently disabled
PvP Change Summary:
* All elevation reset changes cross over to this server. (Listed below).
** Maximum digging slope has been reduced to 150 .
** Maximum surface mining / tunneling slope has been reduced to 60.
** There now needs to be a minimum of 3 tiles between mine doors.
** A deed will disband automatically after five chained deed drains.
** Meditation abilities over level 9 have been disabled.
** Hate Damage Bonus Now Increases lockpicking chance.
** Element Immunity now only lasts 5 minutes down from 30.
** Removed rare bonus from boats(No replacement for now).
** Rare horse gear now takes less damage instead of granting a speed bonus.
** Horses give birth faster.
** Border crossing will be disabled, travel only available via portal.
** Trader contracts will not be purchasable and traders cannot be placed.
*** Traders will only sell Res Stones/Large Magic Chests/Sleep Powder/Shaker Orbs and can only be found in your starter town.
** Increased cooldowns on Truestrike, Stoneskin and Continuum
** Physical damage resistance and penalty effects from sorcery items changed to fall damage.
** Karma home teleport has been disabled.
** Hell horses and Unicorns cannot be hitched or ridden.
* Players will move between the new PvP and PvE server with a portal that is easily craftable and also available in the starter zones. All skills except Fighting will cross back and forth, faith and meditation paths do not cross, and items do not cross.
* Starting areas have a zone around them providing some extra benefits and restrictions
** Much stronger tower guard spawns inside this zone instead of the normal ones.
** Reduced damage from siege weapons.
** Villages here have no silver removed when drained, only left in to allow breaking mine reinforcements.
** Shorter raid windows than outside the starting islands..
** Max village size 10 tiles in each direction with no additional perimeter allowed inside this zone.
** Capitals cannot be located inside this safe zone.
** Artifacts in the safe zone will lose charges every hour even when on players.
** Battle camp towers cannot spawn inside or within 100 tiles of safe areas.
* Deeds can now only be raided during raid windows, villages will be able to pick the time this window opens, and this can only be changed every 2 weeks. You will be able to view the window and how long until it starts by right-clicking any wall/fence on the deed from any distance. Starter villages will be 100% unraidable.
** Raid windows will be 2 hours for safe zones and 6 hours outside them; as people start raiding, we will see how this affects it and tweak accordingly.
** Lockpicking will always work even outside raid windows.
** If you find ways to damage deeds outside of raid windows, you are expected to report it and not abuse it.
* Valrei changes will be coming in a patch not long after release, we ran into issues and did not want to delay the PvP server for it.
* There will be a few karma spells castable by anyone with a gem staff/karma to use them:
** Summon Skeletons/Wraith/Worg
** Mirrored Self
** Stone/Ice/Fire walls
* Random chest spawns will return and can contain crafting supplies, good compasses, gems, traps, arrows, and rarely seryll lumps/rare bones that transfers its rarity to 1 item.
* Weapons/Armour tweaks to change the meta up, we will be leaving this undocumented.
* Increased shield/shield bashing skill outside of the safe zones.
* Village war bonus will now reduce the damage your walls/fences take from siege weapons and no longer increase players damage.
* Locate souls will have a reduced range; this will also include locating corpses.
* Off deed reinforcements will have a much higher chance to break when using the disintegrate spell.
* Messages like lost link/left the world/logged in will only be shown to people in your own kingdom.
==[ 200722 ]Patch Notes 22/JUL/20==


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