==== February 13th 2013 - The Southern Sea Campaign I: Desire Rock ====
It is 22:40:00 on Wrath day The campaign in week 1 the Southern Sea was a series of repeated raids against hostile deeds in the Raven's starfall South East quarter of Chaos. Two deeds were primary targets, however a third soon became a priority target after appearing in close range to the year MR Deed, Kratos. * Tomorrowland - Owned by [[Player:Norad|Norad]], a Jenn-Kellon player.* Desire Rock - Located next to Tomorrowland and a supporter of 1029.Jenn-Kellon* Dark Spawn - Owned by [[Player:Darkmalice|Darkmalice]] who managed to create this deed under the Horde Of The settlement Summoned and convert a large group of Desire Rock has just been disbandedfreedom players to Libila, the evil goddess in Wurm.