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422 bytes added, 10:51, 13 February 2013
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* Desire Rock - Located next to Tomorrowland and a supporter of Jenn-Kellon
* Dark Spawn - Owned by [[Player:Darkmalice|Darkmalice]] who managed to create this deed under the Horde Of The Summoned and convert a large group of freedom players to Libila, the evil goddess in Wurm.
The campaign was a total MR victory which ended in the destruction, drain and disbandment of Tomorrowland, Desire Rock and Dark Spawn. All players associated with Dark Spawn were also routed by a passing MR sea patrol following the death of their leader, [[Player:Darkmalice|Darkmalice]]. The surviving Dark Spawn members fled back to The Freedom Isles from whence they came as their comrades were killed off one by one.


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