Currently owner of the following accounts:
There are a few others, but those are the main premium accounts i use.
I started on GV after the 6 page review by PC Gamer.
Was the first person to ever create a full plate armour suit on GV.
Gave away my GV accounts, and bought a starter account on Freedom.
Involved in the demise of fluffy ( the black dragon hatchling ) on freedom on the 21/03/10. Used Zaz to cast smite on the dragon twice, severely damaging it.
Owns a size 105, 211x201 tile deed, called Frontier in the south of the map, as well as 3 other support deeds. All have Frontier in their name.
Frontier is run by Pentaxpilot Since buying my first account freedom, i have since purchased 6 other premium accounts, 5 of which i still own.
Frontier is now Wurms largest deed.