Wooden palisade gate

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Main / Items / Carpentry items / Wooden palisade gate

Wooden palisade gate
A Wooden palisade gate
Total materials
  • Palisade gate
Skill and improvement


A wooden palisade gate is a gate made out of wood which can be locked with a gate lock.

Palisade gates are stronger than wooden fence gates.

The gate displays a plaque with the motto from the deed if on deeded land.

Skill Required

To calculate the maximum slope you can build on, based on your carpentry or masonry skill, use the following formula submitted by Ketza:

Max slope = (3 *skill) + 10

Skill Max Slope
6 17
8 18
9 19
12 20
14 21
16 22
19 23
22 24
25 25
29 26
33 27
36 28
41 29
45 30
49 31
54 32
59 33
64 34
70 35
75 36
81 37
88 38
94 39

Note: Maximum slope is rounded down

See also