Each of these rights can be granted or denied to ''all friends'', ''all villagers'' and ''everyone''. The owner always has all permissions. The settings only take affect if the cart is locked however.
The owner of the large cart can attach a [[large padlock]] to it to enable permissions. The lock can be removed by everyone in posession possession of the key but only the owner can attach it again.
Another player can [[drag]] a locked cart regarless regardless of what [[large padlock]] enabled managment management settings are used. Since server restarts unhitch animals, its possible another could drag your locked cart away. Two simple solutions are 1) to put heavy things in your cart or 2) store the cart in a secure area. As an example, if you where to put 5 a [[small barrel]] in a cart and then a bunch of 100 kg unfinished [[Charcoal pile]] s in the cartbarrel, no one could drag itwould make dragging more difficult. Furthermore, managment management option will prevent these others from accessing the inventory or using animals to drive the cart away.
On [[Freedom]] carts can not be [[Lockpicking|lockpicked]]. Trying to do so will result in the following message: